2 min read



实际上,遇到unbalanced data,就是一种分类下小的可怜,例如5%的,1%的,理解Precision、F1-Score、KS的作用,关键在于\(FP\), 具体混淆矩阵可以看这里, KS函数 - A Hugo website

直接说干货。 比如,一个分类下,\(y=1\)占有99%的样本,拍脑袋的话,全部\(\hat y = 1\)也有99%的\(Acc\)了。

\[Acc = \frac{TP+TN}{TP+FN+TN+FP}\]

但是,这么中和下这种偏度呢? 关键之处是,\(FP\)太多了,太多的\(TN\)被搞成了\(FP\),因此\(FP \uparrow\)


\[Precision = \frac{TP}{TP+FP}\],当\(FP \uparrow\)时,显然在下降了。


\[F1= \frac{1}{\frac{1}{Recall} + \frac{1}{Precision}} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{\frac{TP}{TP+FN}} + \frac{1}{\frac{TP}{TP+FP}}}\]

有句话说得好,Recall更客观一些,描述了总的\(P\),一共有多少被预测了,因为\(FN\)就是锅啊,被预测错了。 然而,Precision更主观一些,描述了总的\(P\),模型有多自信能够预测成\(P\),因为\(FP\)衡量了模型太暴力了,多预测了\(P\)的代价,所以不要大力出奇迹。


\[KS = \frac{TP}{TP+FN} - \frac{FP}{FP+TN}\]

\(FP \uparrow\)时,KS下降,因此KS也能抓取这种暴力模式。

The importance of the F1 score is different based on the scenario. Lets assume the target variable is a binary label.

Balanced class: In this situation, the F1 score can effectively be ignored, the mis-classification rate \(1-Acc\) is key. Unbalanced class, but both classes are important: If the class distribution is highly skewed (such as 80:20 or 90:10), then a classifier can get a low mis-classification rate simply by choosing the majority class. In such a situation, I would choose the classifier that gets high F1 scores on both classes, as well as low mis-classification rate. A classifier that gets low F1-scores should be overlooked. Unbalanced class, but one class if more important that the other. For e.g. in Fraud detection, it is more important to correctly label an instance as fraudulent, as opposed to labeling the non-fraudulent one. In this case, I would pick the classifier that has a good F1 score only on the important class. Recall that the F1-score is available per class.



What percentage of all 1’s were correctly predicted?

\[Recall = Sensitivity = \frac{TP}{TP+FP}\]

What percentage of all 0’s were correctly predicted?

\[Specificity = \frac{TN}{TN + FN}\]

How the model exceeded random predictions in terms of ROC

\[Gini \space Coefficient = 2 \times (AUC - 0.5)\]


\[\begin{matrix} &&&Actual \\ &&1 & 0 \\ &&(5) & (95) \\ Pred & 1 & TP(0) & FN(0) \\ &0 & FP(5) & TN(95) \\ \end{matrix}\]

如图,如果我们发现数据非常不平衡,例如真实样本中\(P:N=5:95\),那么我们只要把所有的样本全部分配给\(Pred=0\)即可。 这里\(FP=5\)\(TN=95\)。 准确率达到

\[Acc=\frac{TP+TN}{TP+FP+FN+TN} = \frac{0+95}{0+5+0+95} = 95%\]