3 min read

ggdag包 使用技巧

Textor and van der Zander (2016), Barrett (2018b) 可以用于概率图分析1,可以配合 Koller (2018) 的课学习。



dag <- dagitty(
dag {
y <- x <- z1 <- v -> z2 -> y
z1 <- w1 <-> w2 -> z2
x <- w1 -> y
x <- w2 -> y
x [exposure]
y [outcome]
tidy_dag <- tidy_dagitty(dag)
## # A DAG with 7 nodes and 12 edges
## #
## # Exposure: x
## # Outcome: y
## #
## # A tibble: 13 x 8
##    name      x     y direction to     xend  yend circular
##    <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>   
##  1 v      11.4  6.18 ->        z1     10.1  5.51 FALSE   
##  2 v      11.4  6.18 ->        z2     12.0  4.93 FALSE   
##  3 w1     10.1  4.06 ->        x      10.6  4.57 FALSE   
##  4 w1     10.1  4.06 ->        y      11.2  3.63 FALSE   
##  5 w1     10.1  4.06 ->        z1     10.1  5.51 FALSE   
##  6 w1     10.1  4.06 <->       w2     11.5  4.15 FALSE   
##  7 w2     11.5  4.15 ->        x      10.6  4.57 FALSE   
##  8 w2     11.5  4.15 ->        y      11.2  3.63 FALSE   
##  9 w2     11.5  4.15 ->        z2     12.0  4.93 FALSE   
## 10 x      10.6  4.57 ->        y      11.2  3.63 FALSE   
## 11 z1     10.1  5.51 ->        x      10.6  4.57 FALSE   
## 12 z2     12.0  4.93 ->        y      11.2  3.63 FALSE   
## 13 y      11.2  3.63 <NA>      <NA>   NA   NA    FALSE

  • 这里的代码,类似于 Iannone (2018) 开发的包DiagrammeR
  • <->表示双向箭头。
tidy_ggdag <-
    y ~ x + z2 + w2 + w1,
    x ~ z1 + w1,
    z1 ~ w1 + v,
    z2 ~ w2 + v,
    w1 ~~ w2, # bidirected path
    exposure = "x",
    outcome = "y"
    ) %>%

## # A DAG with 7 nodes and 11 edges
## #
## # Exposure: x
## # Outcome: y
## #
## # A tibble: 12 x 8
##    name      x     y direction to     xend  yend circular
##    <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>   
##  1 v      11.8 10.5  ->        z1     12.2  9.19 FALSE   
##  2 v      11.8 10.5  ->        z2     13.1 10.9  FALSE   
##  3 w1     13.4  9.50 ->        x      13.4  8.61 FALSE   
##  4 w1     13.4  9.50 ->        y      14.1  9.84 FALSE   
##  5 w1     13.4  9.50 ->        z1     12.2  9.19 FALSE   
##  6 w1     13.4  9.50 <->       w2     14.2 10.7  FALSE   
##  7 w2     14.2 10.7  ->        y      14.1  9.84 FALSE   
##  8 w2     14.2 10.7  ->        z2     13.1 10.9  FALSE   
##  9 x      13.4  8.61 ->        y      14.1  9.84 FALSE   
## 10 z1     12.2  9.19 ->        x      13.4  8.61 FALSE   
## 11 z2     13.1 10.9  ->        y      14.1  9.84 FALSE   
## 12 y      14.1  9.84 <NA>      <NA>   NA   NA    FALSE

  • ggdag函数是内置ggplot2的,因此非常方便。
  • ~~表示双向箭头。
  • y ~ x + z2 + w2 + w1表示这四个变量都导致y,类似于回归方程中,自变量和因变量的关系。
  • 而且这里不需要string格式的输入。


confounder_triangleggdag的一个内置函数, Barrett (2018a) 给了一个加上label的例子。

confounder_triangle(x = "Coffee", y = "Lung Cancer", z = "Smoking") %>%
  ggdag_dconnected(text = FALSE, use_labels = "label")


coffee_dag <- dagify(cancer ~ smoking,
       smoking ~ addictive,
       coffee ~ addictive,
       exposure = "coffee",
       outcome = "cancer",
       labels = c("coffee" = "Coffee", "cancer" = "Lung Cancer",
                  "smoking" = "Smoking", "addictive" = "Addictive \nBehavior")) %>%
  tidy_dagitty(layout = "tree")

ggdag(coffee_dag, text = FALSE, use_labels = "label")


Barrett, Malcolm. 2018a. “Common Structures of Bias.” 2018. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggdag/vignettes/bias-structures.html.

———. 2018b. Ggdag: Analyze and Create Elegant Directed Acyclic Graphs. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ggdag.

Iannone, Richard. 2018. DiagrammeR: Graph/Network Visualization. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=DiagrammeR.

Koller, Daphne. 2018. “Probabilistic Graphical Models 1: Representation.” 2018. https://www.coursera.org/learn/probabilistic-graphical-models.

Textor, Johannes, and Benito van der Zander. 2016. Dagitty: Graphical Analysis of Structural Causal Models. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dagitty.

  1. Barrett (2018b) 是在 Textor and van der Zander (2016) 的基础上进行开发的。