1 min read

Margin Call 观后感

永远的奥古斯都(商海通牒)影评 这个影评写得好。

Margin Call 长于作势,却虎头蛇尾. 必然的从小罗罗看出模型bug后,到Sam、Sam的老板、Sam的大老板一个个都在装逼,但是实际上都慌得一笔。

Too Big to Fail 感觉Paulson一直觉得这也难那也难,绝口不提bailout,但是实际上最后还是靠这个解决了问题,松了口气,整体看下来,也不难啊。

Inside Job晚上看。

“If you really want to do this with your life you have to believe that you’re necessary. And you are. People want to live like this in their cars and their big fucking houses that they can’t even pay for? Then you’re necessary. The only reason they all get to continue living like kings is because we’ve got our fingers on the scales in their favor. I take my hand off and the whole world gets really fucking fair really fucking quickly and nobody actually wants that. They say they do but they don’t. They want what we have to give them, but they also want to play innocent and pretend they have no idea where it came from. That’s more hypocrisy than I’m willing to swallow. Fuck them. Fuck normal people.”

短短几句话,毫不步道,瞬间让这部电影和inside job之流的文艺青年说教片高下立现。是的,这个世界很糟糕,糟透了。但把这个世界的糟糕归咎于少数一群人的贪婪和邪恶,以获得置身事外的道德优越感,对看清我们自己到底是什么货色没有任何帮助。任何认为通过消灭一群人或者占领一条街就得以平天下之罪恶,开万世之太平的想法,都只能是too simple sometimes naive。

这个地方写的很有道理。 每件事情的话语权,都在道德优越感上。 其实这是个“丧钟为谁而鸣”的问题。
