10 min read

Databases in Python 学习笔记

Introduction to Databases in Python

网页在这个地方。主要讲连接数据库和使用sql语言,Python中主要使用包sqlalchemy 1。 网站主要都是英文的,看起来慢,这个相当于一个纲要,可以快速理解主要的知识点,仅此而已。

Connecting to your Database | Python


Engines and Connection Strings | Python


Alright, it’s time to create your first engine! An engine is just a common interface to a database, and the information it requires to connect to one is contained in a connection string, such as sqlite:///census_nyc.sqlite. Here, sqlite is the database driver, while census_nyc.sqlite is a SQLite file contained in the local directory.


# Import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# Create an engine that connects to the census.sqlite file: engine
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///census.sqlite')

# Print table names


<script.py> output:
    ['census', 'state_fact']


Autoloading Tables from a Database | Python

In [1]: # Import Table
        from sqlalchemy import Table
        # Reflect census table from the engine: census
        census = Table('census', metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
        # Print census table metadata
Table('census', MetaData(bind=None), Column('state', VARCHAR(length=30), table=<census>), Column('sex', VARCHAR(length=1), table=<census>), Column('age', INTEGER(), table=<census>), Column('pop2000', INTEGER(), table=<census>), Column('pop2008', INTEGER(), table=<census>), schema=None)


\(\Box\) 怎么在本地开始练习呢?

Viewing Table Details | Python

census.columns.keys() would return a list of column names of the census table.

In [3]: # Print the column names
['state', 'sex', 'age', 'pop2000', 'pop2008']
In [4]: # Print full table metadata
Table('census', MetaData(bind=None), Column('state', VARCHAR(length=30), table=<census>), Column('sex', VARCHAR(length=1), table=<census>), Column('age', INTEGER(), table=<census>), Column('pop2000', INTEGER(), table=<census>), Column('pop2008', INTEGER(), table=<census>), schema=None)

Selecting data from a Table: raw SQL | Python


.execute() method is a ResultProxy.




# Build select statement for census table: stmt
stmt = 'select * from census'

# Execute the statement and fetch the results: results
results = connection.execute(stmt).fetchall()

# Print Results

Selecting data from a Table with SQLAlchemy | Python

select([census])等价于'select * from census'

connection 是链接好的类似于服务器的东西。


Handling a ResultSet | Python


Recall the differences between a ResultProxy and a ResultSet:

ResultProxy: The object returned by the .execute() method. It can be used in a variety of ways to get the data returned by the query.

ResultSet: The actual data asked for in the query when using a fetch method such as .fetchall()on a ResultProxy.



Connecting to a PostgreSQL Database | Python

# Import create_engine function
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# Create an engine to the census database
engine = create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://student:datacamp@postgresql.csrrinzqubik.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/census')

# Use the .table_names() method on the engine to print the table names


['census', 'state_fact', 'data', 'users']

There are three components to the connection string in this exercise:

  • the dialect and driver ('postgresql+psycopg2://'),
  • followed by the username and password ('student:datacamp'),
  • followed by the host and port ('@postgresql.csrrinzqubik.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/'),
  • and finally, the database name ('census').

Filter data selected from a Table - Simple | Python

where条件的使用。 例如,stmt = stmt.where(census.columns.state == 'New York')

stmt = stmt.where(census.columns.state.in_(states))


Great work! Along with in_, you can also use methods like and_ ``any_ to create more powerful where() clauses.

In [2]: states
Out[2]: ['New York', 'California', 'Texas']

Filter data selected from a Table - Advanced | Python

  and_(census.columns.state == 'New York',
       or_(census.columns.age == 21,
          census.columns.age == 37

其实这个地方的and_很好理解, 在sQL中我们用where A and B, 在Python中我们把where()放在外面,and_从中间提前到前面而已。

Ordering in Descending Order by a Single Column | Python


Counting Distinct Data | Python


.fetchall() and .first() used on a ResultProxy to get the results. The ResultProxy also has a method called .scalar() for getting just the value of a query that returns only one row and column.

Count of Records by State | Python

# Import func
from sqlalchemy import func

# Build a query to select the state and count of ages by state: stmt
stmt = select([census.columns.state, func.count(census.columns.age)])

# Group stmt by state
stmt = stmt.group_by(census.columns.state)

# Execute the statement and store all the records: results
results = connection.execute(stmt).fetchall()

# Print results

# Print the keys/column names of the results returned

类似于SQL语言,先写select语言select state, count(age), 再group by语言group by state

SQLAlchemy ResultsProxy and Pandas Dataframes | Python


# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# Create a DataFrame from the results: df
df = pd.DataFrame(results)

# Set column names
df.columns = results[0].keys()

# Print the Dataframe

Calculating Values in a Query | Python

Case Statement就是SQL中的case when

Calculating a Difference between Two Columns | Python

You can use these operators to perform addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and modulus (%) operations.

这里和SQL有点区别。 在SQL语言中,如果我们要group一个新变量,通常我们不能用A-B as C中的C,而是复制粘贴A-B ,但是在sqlalchemy可以。 如order_by(desc('pop_change'))

其次,.format可以这么在for loop中使用,

for result in results:
    print('{}:{}'.format(result.state, result.pop_change))
# Build query to return state names by population difference from 2008 to 2000: stmt
stmt = select([census.columns.state, (census.columns.pop2008-census.columns.pop2000).label('pop_change')])

# Append group by for the state: stmt
stmt = stmt.group_by(census.columns.state)

# Append order by for pop_change descendingly: stmt
stmt = stmt.order_by(desc('pop_change'))

# Return only 5 results: stmt
stmt = stmt.limit(5)

# Use connection to execute the statement and fetch all results
results = connection.execute(stmt).fetchall()

# Print the state and population change for each record
for result in results:
    print('{}:{}'.format(result.state, result.pop_change))

Determining the Overall Percentage of Females | Python


# import case, cast and Float from sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import case, cast,Float

# Build an expression to calculate female population in 2000
female_pop2000 = func.sum(
        (census.columns.sex == 'F', census.columns.pop2000)
    ], else_=0))

# Cast an expression to calculate total population in 2000 to Float
total_pop2000 = cast(func.sum(census.columns.pop2000), Float)

# Build a query to calculate the percentage of females in 2000: stmt
stmt = select([female_pop2000 / total_pop2000* 100])

# Execute the query and store the scalar result: percent_female
percent_female = connection.execute(stmt).scalar()

# Print the percentage

其中,case(x, else_=y)x表示筛选的条件和True情况下的对应值,y表示False情况下的对应值。 x[]来框住, 其中可以用()来表示一个条件, (),分开且命题, ,的前方是ifelse命题,后方是True情况下的对应值。

这种逻辑写法比sql好,是因为: 最终反映的是select A from B的问题, 但A的选择和计算是重点,直觉上也是最先要解决的,因此按照sqlalchemy的逻辑, 我们先第一了A=emale_pop2000 / total_pop2000emale_pop2000,再定义total_pop2000


SQL Relationships | Python

select_from.join()实现SQL的JOIN操作。 其中,.join()中包含a.columns.x = b.columns.x类似于SQL中的ON条件。

Automatic Joins with an Established Relationship | Python

自动链接,就是SQL中的select A, B

# Build a statement to join census and state_fact tables: stmt
stmt = select([census.columns.pop2000, state_fact.columns.abbreviation])

# Execute the statement and get the first result: result
result = connection.execute(stmt).first()

# Loop over the keys in the result object and print the key and value
for key in result.keys():
    print(key, getattr(result, key))

对于for loop的解释,这里相当于dict般处理。

<script.py> output:
    pop2000 89600
    abbreviation IL
# Build a statement to select the census and state_fact tables: stmt
stmt = select([employees, sales])

# Add a select_from clause that wraps a join for the census and state_fact
# tables where the census state column and state_fact name column match
stmt = stmt.select_from(
    census.join(state_fact, census.columns.state == state_fact.columns.name))


Working with Hierarchical Tables | Python

self reference ,比如manager和employee的关系。 alias就是用于自引的。

Using alias to handle same table joined queries | Python

The .alias() method, which creates a copy of a table

# Make an alias of the employees table: managers
managers = employees.alias()

# Build a query to select manager's and their employees names: stmt
stmt = select(

# Match managers id with employees mgr: stmt
stmt = stmt.where(managers.columns.id == employees.columns.mgr)

# Order the statement by the managers name: stmt
stmt = stmt.order_by(managers.columns.name)

# Execute statement: results
results = connection.execute(stmt).fetchall()

# Print records
for record in results:


Dealing with Large ResultSets | Python


Working on Blocks of Records | Python

while的意思?这个例子很好,主要用于循环。 Python While 循环语句 | 菜鸟教程


# Start a while loop checking for more results
while more_results:
    # Fetch the first 50 results from the ResultProxy: partial_results
    partial_results = results_proxy.fetchmany(50)

    # if empty list, set more_results to False
    if partial_results == []:
        more_results = False

    # Loop over the fetched records and increment the count for the state
    for row in partial_results:
        if row.state in state_count:
            state_count[row.state] += 1
            state_count[row.state] = 1

# Close the ResultProxy, and thus the connection

# Print the count by state

这里的.fetchmany(50).fetechall()性质相同,只是每次循环,只反馈50行。 while下的每个缩进行表示步骤的递延。具体地, 先完成partial_results = results_proxy.fetchmany(50), 再完成if条件, 最后完成for的子循环。

其中if判定,当partial_results为空时,总有那么一天,毕竟results_proxy有限。 more_results = False作为命令,停止while条件。

for循环中,state_count是一个空字典。 通过增加state_count[row.state]使得循环进行下去。


Creating Tables with SQLAlchemy | Python


# Import Table, Column, String, Integer, Float, Boolean from sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, String, Integer, Float, Boolean

# Define a new table with a name, count, amount, and valid column: data
data = Table('data', metadata,
             Column('name', String(255)),
             Column('count', Integer()),
             Column('amount', Float()),
             Column('valid', Boolean())

# Use the metadata to create the table

# Print table details

from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, String, Integer, Float, Boolean表示table能够用到的数据属性。

Table之前用到的函数, 既可以用于存在的table, 也可以用于新建table。 只需要修改autoloadautoload_with的参数。

Column('name', String(255))表示新建一个name名字的变量,且文本最大255个字符。


Table('data', metadata,'data'是表名

In [2]: metadata
Out[2]: MetaData(bind=None)


In [3]: engine
Out[3]: Engine(sqlite:///:memory:)

所以前前后后,发现并没有特定data这个Table()进行创建表格,和SQL中的语言不同create table

Constraints and Data Defaults | Python


Inserting Multiple Records at Once | Python

# Build a list of dictionaries: values_list
values_list = [
    {'name': 'Anna', 'count': 1, 'amount': 1000.00, 'valid': True},
    {'name': 'Taylor', 'count': 1, 'amount': 750.00, 'valid': False}

# Build an insert statement for the data table: stmt
stmt = insert(data)

# Execute stmt with the values_list: results
results = connection.execute(stmt, values_list)

# Print rowcount


Loading a CSV into a Table | Python

We have used the csv module to set up a csv_reader, which is just a reader object that can iterate over the lines in a given CSV file - in this case, a census CSV file. Using the enumerate() 2 function, you can loop over the csv_reader to handle the results one at a time. Here, for example, the first line it would return is:

0 ['Illinois', 'M', '0', '89600', '95012']

0 is the idx - or line number - while ['Illinois', 'M', '0', '89600', '95012'] is the row, corresponding to the column names 'state' , 'sex', 'age', 'pop2000' and 'pop2008'. 'Illinois' can be accessed with row[0], 'M' with row[1], and so on. You can create a dictionary containing this information where the keys are the column names and the values are the entries in each line. Then, by appending this dictionary to a list, you can combine it with an insert statement to load it all into a table!

# Create a insert statement for census: stmt
stmt = insert(census)

# Create an empty list and zeroed row count: values_list, total_rowcount
values_list = []
total_rowcount = 0

# Enumerate the rows of csv_reader
for idx, row in enumerate(csv_reader):
    #create data and append to values_list
    data = {'state': row[0], 'sex': row[1], 'age': row[2], 'pop2000': row[3],
            'pop2008': row[4]}

    # Check to see if divisible by 51
    if idx % 51 == 0:
        results = connection.execute(stmt, values_list)
        total_rowcount += results.rowcount
        values_list = []

# Print total rowcount

我的感觉是, 因为是要上传.csv文件,因此要用到csv包中的csv_reader函数,作用就是一行行的阅读.csv文件中的数据。 enumerate()顾名思义,就是用于loopcsv_reader的操作。 for idx, row in enumerate(csv_reader):,这里的row就是标记了csv_reader文件的具体位置。

而且这里进行proxy编译的时候直接说出了目的, 比如要select,那么就是select([xxx]), 比如要insert,那么就是insert([xxx])

Updating Data in a Database | Python


The update statement is very similar to an insert statement, except that it also typically uses a where clause to help us determine what data to update.

stmt = update(employees).values(wage=100.00)中, wage不需要specify,加上employees.columns.wagecol都是100.00值了。 .values()中的更新不需要双等号==

Correlated Updates | Python

实际上,我没理解这和Correlated Updates有什么关系,但是可以直接理解代码。就是把一个col的数据update到一个目标表的col去。

# Build a statement to select name from state_fact: stmt
fips_stmt = select([state_fact.columns.name])

# Append a where clause to Match the fips_state to flat_census fips_code
fips_stmt = fips_stmt.where(
    state_fact.columns.fips_state == flat_census.columns.fips_code)

# Build an update statement to set the name to fips_stmt: update_stmt
update_stmt = update(flat_census).values(state_name=fips_stmt)

# Execute update_stmt: results
results = connection.execute(update_stmt)

# Print rowcount

fips_stmt = select([state_fact.columns.name])这里可以理解为 select name from state_fact

fips_stmt = fips_stmt.where(
    state_fact.columns.fips_state == flat_census.columns.fips_code)

可以理解为接上前面的代码加上 where state_fact.fips_state = flat_census.fips_code,这里flat_census是另外一张表。

update_stmt = update(flat_census).values(state_name=fips_stmt)可以理解为 给flat_census这张表中的state_name重新赋值,赋值规则上面两条应该解释清楚了。

Removing Data From a Database | Python

这里的deleteupdate一样都是增删原表,因此配合where条件使用。 .drop(engine)就是完全删除了,导致.exist(engine) == Falsedrop_all()就是完全删除了所有的

Census Case Study | Python


Build a Query to Determine the Average Age by Population | Python

# Import select
from sqlalchemy import select

# Calculate weighted average age: stmt
stmt = select([census.columns.sex,
               (func.sum(census.columns.pop2008 * census.columns.age) /

# Group by sex
stmt = stmt.group_by(census.columns.sex)

# Execute the query and store the results: results
results = connection.execute(stmt).fetchall()

# Print the average age by sex
for result in results:
    print(result.sex, result.average_age)

这里复习一下。results是一个数据表了。 Python中多使用for loop展示数据。result只不过是一个系数,不重要。

Build a Query to Determine the Difference by State from the 2000 and 2008 Censuses | Python


  1. alchemy /’ælkəmi/ n. 点金术;魔力

  2. /ɪ’numəret/ vt. 列举,枚举;数